Graduate student Matthew Rickert (advisor: Farhad Yusef-Zadeh) has won a Reber Fellowship from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). From the organization’s web site: “The Grote Reber Doctoral Fellowship Program gives Ph.D. students an opportunity to conduct research in radio astronomy, radio instrumentation, or computational techniques at one of the NRAO sites under the supervision of an NRAO staff astronomer or engineer. The program is jointly sponsored by NRAO and the students’ home universities. To be eligible, the student must be engaged in a well-advanced thesis project and have the support of both their prospective NRAO advisor and their academic department.”
In Socorro, New Mexico, Matthew is using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (pictured right) to survey our galaxy for young stellar objects. Matthew notes that he “has already detected six times more water masers and two times more methanol masers than the next best surveys that used single-dish telescopes with poorer resolution.” (Maser = laser at mm-cm wavelengths.)
Congratulations, Matthew!
Learn more about the Grote Reber Doctoral Fellowship Program and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.