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About Us

Contact Info

Phone: 847-491-8646
Address: 1800 Sherman Ave, Floor 8
CIERA, Northwestern University
Evanston IL, 60201

CIERA's Mission

The mission of the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics is to promote research and education in astrophysics through support of independent postdoctoral fellows, advanced graduate and undergraduate research, a vigorous visiting researchers program, and multi-faceted seminars, education, and public outreach programs. Special emphasis is given to interdisciplinary connections with computer science, applied math, statistics, electrical and mechanical engineering, planetary science, education and the arts.

CIERA is a research center in Northwestern University’s Office for Research, under the Vice President for Research. Learn more about the research centers at Northwestern.

Diversity & Inclusion

CIERA is committed to creating a welcoming, safe, and inclusive community for everyone. Every person connected to CIERA is expected to uphold our shared values by seeking diverse perspectives and deliberately working to increase access and equity of people from marginalized groups. We recognize that true excellence only comes from the meaningful integration of all perspectives in our community and culture.

CIERA also participates with University-wide diversity & inclusion efforts.
Northwestern’s Leadership Commitment
Policies & Reporting Forms: Northwestern’s Office of Equity

Organizational Leadership

Organizational Committees

Astrophysics Seminar Committee







Please see Astrophysics Seminars page for details.



CIERA Postdoctoral Fellow Selection Committee

Graduate Fellow Selection Committee



See CIERA Graduate Fellowships for details.


Interdisciplinary Colloquium Committee


See Interdisciplinary Colloquium for details.


Journal Club Organizers


See Journal Clubs for details.

Membership Committee



Chair: Vicky Kalogera

Members: Kari Frank




Outreach Committee

Social Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Telescope Access Committee and Coordinators

Please see CIERA Observing page for details.





Theory Group Meeting Organizers


See Theory Group Meeting for details.

Observational Astronomy Group Meeting Organizers

CIERA Connections Organizing Committee

See  CIERA Connections for details.


Research Areas

Are you visiting CIERA as a researcher, speaker, or collaborator?

Information for Visiting Researchers

CIERA by the Numbers

$54.4M External Grants
24 Core Faculty
15 Interdisciplinary Affiliate and Associate Faculty
200 Years Postdoctoral Research Supported
63,600+ Attendees at CIERA Public Events
7000+ K-12 Students Reached

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