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New Issue of “LIGO Magazine” Features Gravity Spy Article by Mike Zevin

The tenth issue of LIGO Magazine is now available for download. This issue focuses on LIGO’s second observation run, “O2”. In “Getting ready for O2: A data analysis perspective”, gravitational-wave astronomers Sarah Caudill and Vivien Raymond discuss preparing to analyze the new data. Vivien is a Northwestern PhD from CIERA Director Vicky Kalogera’s research group.

Mike Zevin, a 3rd year doctoral student at Northwestern, penned a feature article, “The Gravity Spy Project: Machine learning and citizen science” highlighting the relationship between professional astronomers and citizen scientists which is making analyzing LIGO data more effective.

Gravity Spy is a collaboration between Northwestern University (PI), led by Mike Zevin and Scott Coughlin with PI Vicky Kalogera and co-PI Aggelos Katsaggelos (Northwestern’s team is comprised of a LIGO group in CIERA and a machine learning group in the Image and Video Processing Laboratory), The Adler Planetarium, led by co-PI Laura Trouille, Syracuse University, led by co-PI’s Kevin Crowston and Carsten Østerlund, California State University at Fullerton, led by co-PI Josh Smith, and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. The project is funded by the National Science Foundation.

Check out past issues of LIGO magazine.