Undergraduate Andrew Bowen
Northwestern University undergraduate Andrew Bowen was awarded a 2020 Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award for his poster presentation at the 235th American Astronomical Society meeting. Bowen, majoring in Physics & Astronomy, was one of the 15 undergraduate student medalists from over 350 entrants.
The Astronomy Achievement Student Awardees are honored with a Chambliss medal, given to recognize exemplary research by undergraduate and graduate students who present at one of the poster sessions at the meetings of the AAS. Bowen presented his work studying the ability of the upcoming Rubin Observatory (previous known as LSST) to detect eclipsing binary stars in star clusters. Bowen particularly focused on what cadence of observations will enable the Rubin Observatory to detect the most binaries.
“Andrew has a gift for explaining complex science topics in a way that everyone can understand. During our time working together, Andrew has demonstrated this gift in poster sessions at Northwestern, the Adler Planetarium, and at conferences,” said Research Assistant Professor Aaron Geller, who has worked with Bowen for the past two years. “I’m thrilled that the AAS recognized him with the Chambliss Award!”
Bowen’s research over his years working with Dr. Geller and the trip to the 235th AAS meeting were funded by an NSF REU grant, LSSTC Enabling Science grants and the Illinois Space Grant.
Congratulations, Andrew!
Read more about Andrew Bowen’s research.
View the full list of Chambliss Award recipients.