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New Issue of “LIGO Magazine” Features Gravitational Wave Article by Eve Chase

The 18th issue (March 2021) of LIGO Magazine is available for download:

In this issue, CIERA’s Eve Chase and Caitlin Rose (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) give an overview of observations from the first half of Observing Run 3 and their experience of working in lockdown on “The second gravitational-wave transient catalog”.

Eve is an Astronomy Ph.D. student at Northwestern University. Advised by Professor Vicky Kalogera, she focuses on data analysis techniques related to the direct detection of gravitational waves and astrophysical implications of gravitational-wave events. Eve is an active member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and has contributed to data analysis for several past LIGO detections. She is also interested in electromagnetic follow-up of gravitational-wave events with transient surveys such as LSST.