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REU student Claire Zwicker wins Chambliss Honorable Mention for research poster at AAS

At the 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), REU Student Claire Zwicker was awarded a Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award, Honorable Mention. This award is given to recognize exemplary research by students who present posters at meetings of the AAS. “This is a huge step in my early astronomy career. I’m grateful for having this opportunity to grow even further,” said Claire.

Claire’s poster, “Applying Bayesian statistics to identify binaries within the open cluster NGC 6819” involves studying the many ways that the several hundred stars in NGC 6819 interact over time.

CIERA’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to pursue an astrophysics-based interdisciplinary research project in collaboration with Northwestern University faculty.

Congratulations Claire!
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