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Goni Halevi

Halevi, Goni

Visiting Scholar; Teaching Assistant Professor at Illinois Institute of Technology


Dr. Goni Halevi was a CIERA Postdoc 2023 – 2024.

Following her time at CIERA, Dr. Halevi became a Teaching Assistant Professor at Illinois Institute of Technology. She maintains an affiliation with CIERA as a visiting scholar.

Dr. Goni Halevi uses computational tools to model short-lived, energetic phenomena powered by the formation and mergers of stellar remnants. She performs relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accretion disks and the jets they launch, with an emphasis on building end-to-end models instead of relying on idealized initial conditions. One of her main scientific interests is clarifying the astrophysical formation sites of heavy nuclei through the r-process nucleosynthesis channel. Goni is a CIERA postdoctoral fellow collaborating with Sasha Tchekovskoy.
