REU students present at 245th AAS, Jessica Cotturone wins Chambliss
Part of CIERA’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program includes support for participating students to travel to the annual winter meeting of the American...
Part of CIERA’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program includes support for participating students to travel to the annual winter meeting of the American...
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) 2024 In 2024, CIERA received a record 618 applications from across the country for its Research Experiences for Undergraduates...
For the second consecutive year, the Research Experiences in Astronomy at CIERA for High School Students (REACH) program welcomed a record number of participants...
In early 2024, CIERA launched a new K-12 education and outreach initiative: CROCS! An acronym for CIERA REACHes Out to Chicago Schools, the free...
On Friday, May 17, 2024, CIERA welcomed 170 in-person and 25 remote participants to its 3rd annual Astronomy Night Out, an evening dedicated to...
Darsan Swaroop Bellie uses original jazz compositions to communicate scientific concepts Jazz and astronomy might seem worlds apart, but Darsan Swaroop Bellie has found...
Research Experiences in Astronomy at CIERA for High School Students (REACH), a highly interactive, 3-week program (with an optional 3-week extension) offers high school...
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) 2023 This summer, CIERA hosted 15 undergraduate students from 12 different institutions as a part of the Research Experiences...
On the last Friday of each month, Dearborn Observatory is open to anyone to come in, meet, and interact with CIERA researchers and students....
Over the past spring and summer, Chicago-area teachers learned about various astronomical topics and connected with fellow educators in the community through a series...
Longest time-lapse footage of an exoplanet to date was assembled from real data A Northwestern University astrophysicist has created the longest time-lapse video of...
On Friday, May 19, 2023, Northwestern Professor Allison Strom presented CIERA’s 2nd annual Astronomy Night Out to a crowd of 165 community members....