An Interdisciplinary Community
CIERA Faculty Membership
CIERA has three types of faculty memberships: Core Faculty, Associate Faculty, and Affiliate Faculty, to align with the different levels of engagement.
There are many benefits of CIERA faculty membership, for both the faculty and group members doing work related to CIERA’s mission:
- Research Support & Resources
- Participation in the CIERA Community
- Increased Visibility & Notification of Opportunities
- Office and Meeting Room Access
Please see our CIERA Faculty Membership Descriptions document for further details on CIERA Membership.
Becoming a CIERA Faculty Member
Any Northwestern faculty member may request to become a CIERA Member. Interested faculty should send an up-to-date CV (or link to it) to CIERA’s Sr. Director of Operations. The CV is reviewed by the Membership Committee (consisting of CIERA Core Members). The committee will reach out to the candidate if necessary for further information. The Membership Committee assesses the most appropriate Membership Type (Core, Associate, Affiliate). CIERA-appointed Research Faculty are automatically considered Core Faculty.
New members are asked to fill out a form with basic information to be added to CIERA’s website directory and relevant email lists to receive communications and announcements from CIERA.