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Computational Workshops at CIERA

Computing Tutorials

Computational Workshops at CIERA

Software tutorials are led by the CIERA Computational Specialist, Michael Stroh. Meetings are intended for CIERA students and researchers. Most workshops are recorded with recordings accessible by CIERA members. CIERA also maintains REACHpy, an interactive introduction to Python course open to the public.

Here is a brief list of CIERA Computing Workshops:

  • Introduction to the Terminal
  • Introduction to Quest: Northwestern’s High-Performance Computing Cluster
  • Introduction to Version Control Systems
  • Introduction to Git
  • Introduction to Conda
  • Writing Presentable Code in Python
  • Significant Advancements in Python 3.6 – 3.8
  • Significant Advancements in Python 3.9 – 3.11
  • Type Hinting as of Python 3.10
  • Python 3.12
  • Creating your First Python Package
  • and more!

Our internal CIERA Guide website contains a more complete and detailed list of workshops.

Requests and suggestions for future workshop topics are welcomed.

Biweekly throughout the academic year. To avoid conflicting graduate courses or CIERA-sponsored events, exact dates and times may change.

Zoom and 1800 Sherman, Evanston

Upcoming Events


Migrating to Python 3.13

1:00 PM
1800 Sherman Avenue (Rubin Room)
