IDEAS (Integrated Data Driven Discovery in Earth and Astrophysical Sciences) is a multi-faceted program designed for masters and PhD graduate students. All participants in the program have, as a focus of their research, one of three major research projects: Earthscope, LIGO, or LSST.
Graduate students take specific coursework leading to a certificate in integrated data science.
- Participate in summer-schools focused on data visualization & computer programming
- Engage in science communication workshops
- Develop a citizen science project related to their research focus
- Complete an internship
- Have the opportunity to participate in other data science-focused activities which increase their professional connections and the strengths necessary for successful careers in academia, as well as the professional sector
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The Integrated Data-Driven Discovery in Earth and Astrophysical Sciences (IDEAS) program is a National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) program at Northwestern University. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 1450006.