In 2015 Northwestern was awarded one of the first National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) grants in data-enabled science and engineering. This multi-million dollar grant is launching the IDEAS (Interdisciplinary Data-Driven Discovery in Earth and Astrophysical Sciences) program within CIERA.
IDEAS is a multi-faceted program designed for masters and PhD graduate students in a variety of departments. As part of their education and training, graduate students will take specific coursework leading to a certificate in integrated data science granted by The Graduate School at Northwestern University.
To complete the full traineeship, students will participate in summer school activities focused on data visualizations and computer programming, engage in science communication workshops, participate in the development of a citizen science project related to their research focus, earn an internship opportunity, and have the chance to participate in other data science-focused activities that will increase their professional connections and strengths necessary for successful careers in academia as well as the professional sector.
Learn more at the IDEAS web site.