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2024 CIERA public lecture – “The Jazz of Physics” with Stephon Alexander


2024 CIERA public lecture – “The Jazz of Physics” with Stephon Alexander

On November 14, over 300 people packed Northwestern University’s Lutkin Hall to join Professor Stephon Alexander in a celebration of The Jazz of Physics for CIERA’s 15th anniversary public lecture. Over 100 others joined the livestream for an evening that began with a live jazz performance from the Star Eyes Initiative, followed by Prof. Alexander’s public lecture, and concluded with a

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Tsuchinshan-ATLAS Comet


Tsuchinshan-ATLAS Comet

Just days after comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas (C/2023 A3) peaked at a brilliant +2 magnitude on October 12, 2024, the Lake Forest College Astronomy Club hosted a campus-wide viewing event led by senior Dean Kousiounelos in collaboration with the Physics department. During this time, the comet’s tail was visible with a good pair of binoculars, drawing in

  • Science

Sun’s magnetic field originates surprisingly close to the surface


Sun’s magnetic field originates surprisingly close to the surface

On May 22, 2024 an international team of researchers, including CIERA Professor Daniel Lecoanet, published a paper in Nature that brings scientists closer than ever before to solving a 400-year-old solar mystery that stumped even famed astronomer Galileo Galilei. Since first observing the sun’s magnetic activity, astronomers have struggled to pinpoint where the process originates.


  • Science,
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  • Data Science & Computing

Solar Active Region 3664


Solar Active Region 3664

Between May 10 – 14, 2024 a series of powerful solar storms led to the production of visible aurorae far further towards the equator than normal. This photo was taken by CIERA graduate student Imran Sultan, amateur astrophotographer and member of Professor Claude-André Faucher-Giguère‘s research group. Sultan took this photo on May 10 in Evanston.

  • Science

Diamond Ring – Total Solar Eclipse


Diamond Ring – Total Solar Eclipse

Many CIERA members travelled to the April 8th solar eclipse’s path of totality, including graduate student Imran Sultan. This photo was taken from Millinocket, Maine, the last part of the US on the path of totality. The phenomenon pictured here is called the “Diamond Ring” and it occurs seconds before totality, just as the moon is

Imran Sultan/Northwestern/CIERA

  • Science

The Solar System


The Solar System

This composite image depicts photographer and CIERA graduate student Imran Sultan’s progress shooting the Solar System over 2022-2023. Sultan captured the Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon. Each object in the photo is not to scale (in terms of the angular size of the objects in our sky), since different equipment and processing

Imran Sultan/Northwestern/CIERA

  • Science

Mineral Moon


Mineral Moon

Interestingly, our moon has its own rich colors due to the variety of minerals which compose it– these colors are invisible to the human eye but were all captured by photographer and CIERA graduate student Imran Sultan‘s camera. To improve the color signal Sultan “stacked” or combined over 100 photos, and made saturation adjustments to increase

Imran Sultan/Northwestern/CIERA

  • Science

Total Solar Eclipse from Indiana


Total Solar Eclipse from Indiana

The April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse, photographed by CIERA Postdoctoral Associate Meng Sun. This composite image of all phases of the eclipse was captured in New Castle, Indiana, USA. New Castle was located close to the center of eclipse’s path of totality, meaning that totality lasted longer than at the edges of the path

Meng Sun/CIERA/Northwestern

  • Science

Flower Moon above Chicago photographed by Imran Sultan


Flower Moon above Chicago photographed by Imran Sultan

The May 2023 full moon, photographed by graduate student and CIERA member Imran Sultan. This image won runner-up in the 2023 Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition’s astronomy category. “The May full moon is known as the Flower Moon, a name originating from the Algonquin peoples that marks the blooming of flowers during spring. This year’s

Imran Sultan/Northwestern

  • Outreach,
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  • Achievement

17-year time-lapse of Beta Pictoris b orbiting its star


17-year time-lapse of Beta Pictoris b orbiting its star

This is the longest time-lapse footage of an exoplanet to date, all made with real data. Beta Pictoris b is a 12 Jupiter mass planet orbiting its star at a distance of 10 AU (10x Earth-Sun distance) on a near-edge on orbit. The first image of the planet was obtained in 2003. However, the planet’s

  • Outreach,
  • Science,
  • Education

Aaron Geller and Alex Gurvich showcase Firefly on AAS Journal Author Series


Aaron Geller and Alex Gurvich showcase Firefly on AAS Journal Author Series

On May 27, 2023, CIERA Research Assistant Professor Aaron Geller and former NSF Graduate Fellow Alex Gurvich were featured on the American Astronomical Society (AAS) Journal Author Series to showcase Firefly, their new browser-based interactive tool for visualizing 3D particle data sets. Geller and Gurvich were interviewed by the AAS’s Frank Timmes. Read the full news story

  • Event

Twelve-Year Exoplanet Timelapse


Twelve-Year Exoplanet Timelapse

Using observations collected from 2009 to 2021 CIERA Professor Jason Wang has assembled a time lapse video of HR8799, the first directly imaged extrasolar planetary system. The video shows a family of four exoplanets, each more massive than Jupiter, orbiting their star and gives viewers an unprecedented glimpse into planetary motion. To construct the video,

Jason Wang/Northwestern/CIERA

  • Science,
  • Outreach