Frank, Kari
Sr. Director of Operations of CIERA, Research Assistant Professor
1800 Sherman, 8007
Department: CIERA
Dr. Kari Frank specializes in X-ray astronomy. Her broad focus is on very hot and messy objects – mainly galaxy clusters and supernova remnants, including the unique SN 1987A. These objects are all extended with complex shapes and spectra arising from many physical processes. Dr. Frank’s work leverages the information contained in observations of this complexity to learn about the physics involved, from cooling flows and dynamics of galaxy clusters to supernova explosion mechanisms in supernova remnants.
Kari manages the operations of CIERA, including:
- Directs the administrative staff
- Serves as the interface between the scientific functions of the Center and the University’s main administration, as well as other departments that work with CIERA
- Management of the postdoctoral program
- Oversees proposal preparation and provides guidance as needed
- Oversees finances and grant management
- Oversees the visiting researchers program
- Oversees computing resources
- Oversees all space management, including office assignments
- Provides support for CIERA programs
- Anything not covered by other staff