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Magnetic Orion


Magnetic Orion

An Astrophysical Journal paper presenting data obtained with SOFIA’s HAWC+ camera was highlighted by being chosen for NASA’s “Astronomy Picture of the Day” on February 27th. Professor Giles Novak and CIERA visiting scholar Marc Berthoud led the development of the data pipeline for HAWC+. The lead author of the paper is Professor David Chuss of Villanova

NASA, SOFIA, D. Chuss et al. & ESO, M. McCaughrean et al.

Beth Willman; Interdisciplinary Colloquium Recording


Beth Willman; Interdisciplinary Colloquium Recording

Dr. Beth Willman, Deputy Director of the National Center for Optical-Infrared Astronomy, continued CIERA’s Interdisciplinary Colloquia series this November in presenting her talk, The Most Magnificent Map Ever Made. Hosted by CIERA director, Vicky Kalogera, Dr. Willman’s talk discussed the mission of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) and how it is possible for the

Dr. Beth Willman / CIERA

  • Science,
  • Interdisciplinary




An image of AT2018cow and its host galaxy obtained on August 17, 2018 using W. M. Keck Observatory’s instrument, the DEep Imaging and Multi-Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS). Learn more: Birth of a Black Hole or Neutron Star Captured for First Time


“Galactic Bloom” by Zach Hafen and Alex Gurvich


“Galactic Bloom” by Zach Hafen and Alex Gurvich

This cosmic flower was not grown in nature, but by astrophysicists using supercomputers. At the center of the flower, a simulated galaxy shines in bright yellow. The galaxy is surrounded by multi- colored petals, representing different origins and consisting of many smaller lines; each is a record of the path of matter through space. Simulations

Alex Gurvich and Zach Hafen, Department of Physics and Astronomy and Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration & Research in Astrophysics (CIERA)

  • Achievement,
  • Interdisciplinary