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17-year time-lapse of Beta Pictoris b orbiting its star


17-year time-lapse of Beta Pictoris b orbiting its star

This is the longest time-lapse footage of an exoplanet to date, all made with real data. Beta Pictoris b is a 12 Jupiter mass planet orbiting its star at a distance of 10 AU (10x Earth-Sun distance) on a near-edge on orbit. The first image of the planet was obtained in 2003. However, the planet’s

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Unveiling the origins of merging black holes in galaxies like our own


Unveiling the origins of merging black holes in galaxies like our own

A 31.5 solar-mass black hole with an 8.38 solar-mass black hole companion viewed in front of its (computer generated) stellar nursery prior to merging. The distant band of the Milky Way can be seen toward the lower-left of the black hole pair. Light is warped nearby the black holes due to their strong gravity. The

Aaron M. Geller / Northwestern CIERA & NUIT-RCS; ESO / S. Brunier

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  • Data Science & Computing

Mysterious dashes revealed in Milky Way’s center


Mysterious dashes revealed in Milky Way’s center

Two populations of filaments, perpendicular and parallel to the galactic plane, which runs horizontally. Professor Farhad Yusef-Zadeh discovered the vertical filaments in the 1980s. He discovered the horizontal filaments recently and the news was published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters on June 2, 2023. Continue to the full CIERA news story.

Farhad Yusef-Zadeh/Northwestern University/CIERA

  • Science

Dying stars’ cocoons could be new source of gravitational waves


Dying stars’ cocoons could be new source of gravitational waves

When massive stars collapse into black holes, they may create powerful outflows (or jets) of particles traveling close to the speed of light. New simulations model this process — from the time the star collapses into a black hole until the jet escapes. For the first time, the simulations show that the cocoon of stellar

Ore Gottlieb/Northwestern/CIERA

  • Science

Aaron Geller and Alex Gurvich showcase Firefly on AAS Journal Author Series


Aaron Geller and Alex Gurvich showcase Firefly on AAS Journal Author Series

On May 27, 2023, CIERA Research Assistant Professor Aaron Geller and former NSF Graduate Fellow Alex Gurvich were featured on the American Astronomical Society (AAS) Journal Author Series to showcase Firefly, their new browser-based interactive tool for visualizing 3D particle data sets. Geller and Gurvich were interviewed by the AAS’s Frank Timmes. Read the full news story

  • Event

2nd annual Astronomy Night Out – “Sequencing the DNA of Galaxies with JWST”


2nd annual Astronomy Night Out – “Sequencing the DNA of Galaxies with JWST”

On Friday, May 19, 2023, Northwestern Professor Allison Strom presented CIERA’s 2nd annual Astronomy Night Out to a crowd of 165 community members. Prof Strom’s lecture “Sequencing the DNA of Galaxies with JWST“, detailed how she and her team are using NASA’s Webb Space Telescope and its powerful infrared instruments to uncover the mysteries behind some of our

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Medium-sized black holes eat stars like messy toddlers


Medium-sized black holes eat stars like messy toddlers

New 3D computer simulations created by graduate student Fulya Kıroğlu show the eating habits of intermediate-mass black holes, which have yet to be discovered in observations. When a star approaches an intermediate-mass black hole, it initially gets caught in the black hole’s orbit. Every time the star makes a lap, the black hole takes a

Fulya Kiroglu/Northwestern/CIERA

  • Science

Data Science Challenges in Gravitational Wave Surveys: a CIERA Interdisciplinary Colloquium by Tyson Littenburg


Data Science Challenges in Gravitational Wave Surveys: a CIERA Interdisciplinary Colloquium by Tyson Littenburg

Dr. Tyson Littenburg presents an Interdisciplinary Colloquium on April 13, 2023, organized by Northwestern University’s Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics. Read the full CIERA News story here.

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  • Data Science & Computing

“Dance of the Black Holes”, composed by Darsan Swaroop Bellie


“Dance of the Black Holes”, composed by Darsan Swaroop Bellie

“Dance of the Black Holes” is an original composition by CIERA Post-Baccalaureate Research Fellow Darsan Swaroop Bellie (on drums) and the debut performance of the Star Eyes Initiative. The performance took place during the CIERA-hosted LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration meeting networking event on March 15, 2023. Composer’s Notes below: Focusing on a binary black hole system, the

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Northwestern University, Department of Physics and Astronomy


Northwestern University, Department of Physics and Astronomy

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Northwestern University engages in exciting, world-leading research in physics and astronomy and attracts a diverse, motivated community of scientists and teachers. The department offers graduate and undergraduate students an engaging learning environment and post-doctoral researchers fascinating research in areas like condensed matter physics, astrophysics and superconducting technologies. The

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