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Pillars of Creation in STARFORGE


Pillars of Creation in STARFORGE

360° narrowband map of a star forming cloud from the STARFORGE simulations, visit to see more movies or learn about the project. This 360° movie shows a massive (20,000 solar mass) star forming molecular cloud as it is being destroyed by newly born stars. This happens due to massive stars that are extremely bright


CIERA’s 12th Annual Public Lecture, “Strange New Worlds: Is Earth Special?”


CIERA’s 12th Annual Public Lecture, “Strange New Worlds: Is Earth Special?”

This lecture was presented on October 14, 2021 by Dr. Phil Plait, astronomer and best-selling author. Plait discussed the explosion in exoplanet detections since the 1990s (over four thousand so far!). These planets orbit a wide variety of stars, and themselves are all wildly different; huge, small, hot, cold, airless, or with thick atmospheres. The

Bad Astra Interviews Maya Fishbach


Bad Astra Interviews Maya Fishbach

Maya Fishbach uses gravitational waves to probe the universe’s most extreme objects — black holes and neutron stars. Her research aims to understand where, when and how these systems of merging compact objects are made. As a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, she analyzes gravitational-wave data to study the population properties of colliding black

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Black Hole Accretion Disk


Black Hole Accretion Disk

The massive black hole in M33 X-7 is hidden in the X-ray bright center of the pancake-like accretion disk of matter. The black-hole’s hot (blue) and massive star companion is losing mass in a wind that gets pulled and captured by the black hole. Learn more. 

NU Viz and CIERA: Matthew McCrory, Francesca Valsecchi, and Vicky Kalogera

Great Conjunction 2020


Great Conjunction 2020

PhD student Newlin Weatherford, who holds the Riedel Family Graduate Fellowship at CIERA, captured the Great Conjunction (“Christmas Star”) of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020 at 6:20 pm PT from Novato, California. Using his Panasonic DZ1000, Newlin wasn’t able to resolve Saturn’s rings, but we can see Callisto and Io and many faint

Newlin Weatherford, Northwestern CIERA

Models and Simulations Run on the Cluster and in the Family


Models and Simulations Run on the Cluster and in the Family

From Purdue University’s Long Tales of Science podcast, hear CIERA’s Dr. Sarah Wellons, an astrophysicist who uses high performance computing resources to run massive simulations of galaxy formation, and her mother, Dr. Helen Wellons, a retired chemical engineer who used parallel computing to deploy computational modeling applications to optimize real-time refinery operations at ExxonMobil.

  • Science

LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Discoveries Over Time


LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Discoveries Over Time

This animation shows the increasing sample of gravitational wave sources, starting before LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA went online (with only electromagnetic, EM, sources) and then moving through the three main data releases that are now available (GTWC-1, GWTC-2.1, and GWTC-3).  Watch as the sample of merging black holes and neutron stars has dramatically increased over the past few

Visualization: LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA / Aaron Geller / Northwestern

Shane Larson’s Virtual Public Lecture, “A Storm of Stars: A Living History of the Milky Way”


Shane Larson’s Virtual Public Lecture, “A Storm of Stars: A Living History of the Milky Way”

On October 28, 2020 CIERA’s Shane Larson presented this public lecture titled A Storm of Stars: A Living History of the Milky Way in a virtual Zoom webinar format to an audience of nearly 450 viewers. Larson discussed how we came to understand the Milky Way, our home galaxy, and how our ideas about the

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