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ALMA Data Reduction Workshop

On October 28, CIERA hosted the ALMA Data Reduction Workshop at Northwestern University (with virtual attendees as well), a workshop designed by the National Radio Astronomy...

Explore the Cosmos with CIERA

DONORS LAUNCH MATCHING GIFT CHALLENGE DURING SPECIAL-ACCESS TRIP TO ARIZONA OBSERVATORY New and long-time donors to the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration & Research in...

What makes gamma-ray bursts blink on and off?

The most energetic events in the universe have a strange habit of going silent mid-blast, stumping astrophysicists. But new simulations suggest a surprising answer....


From October 18 – 21, Northwestern University hosted team meetings for the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and SEDMv2. Given the close relationship between these...

Brightest-ever gamma-ray burst breaks records

Once-in-a-lifetime event was likely generated by a massive star collapse Affectionately referred to as the B.O.A.T. (“brightest of all time”), the powerful explosion occurred...

CIERA welcomes DSFP back to Northwestern

Six years after the inaugural meeting, Northwestern hosted the LSSTC Data Science Fellowship Program for the third time the week of September 20th. With...