New Issue of “LIGO Magazine” Features Gravity Spy Article by Mike Zevin
The tenth issue of LIGO Magazine is now available for download. This issue focuses on LIGO’s second observation run, “O2”. In “Getting ready for O2: A data...
The tenth issue of LIGO Magazine is now available for download. This issue focuses on LIGO’s second observation run, “O2”. In “Getting ready for O2: A data...
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are crucial to innovation, yet many challenges exist to producing highly qualified STEM graduates. CIERA Professor Dave Meyer...
Professor Giles Novak has been appointed as a member of the ALMA Science Advisory Committee (ASAC). ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter-Submillimeter Array, is located...
On March 1, Princeton University’s N. Jeremy Kasdin presented, “Finding and Characterizing Earth 2.0: An Engineering and Astronomy Partnership” to an audience of approximately...
Local astronomers, in their roles here at CIERA and at Chicago’s Adler Planetarium, received a flurry of press requests for interviews and quotations in...
On February 23, CIERA hosted a day of professional development for middle school science and astronomy teachers. Twelve teachers from Evanston, Skokie, and Libertyville...
Ashley Yeager from writes, “Blobs of gas near the Milky Way’s center may be just the right mass to harbor young stars and...
At the 229th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), graduate student Katie Breivik was awarded a Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award, Honorable Mention....
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has issued a press release, NuSTAR Finds New Clues to ‘Chameleon Supernova’, which begins: “We’re made of star stuff,” astronomer Carl...
This January, nine students from CIERA’s summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program presented posters on their research projects at the 229th meeting of...
Laura Fissel, a CIERA postdoctoral fellow (2013-2016) and current Jansky fellow at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory-Charlottesville, was invited to give a plenary talk...
Mel Ulmer was invited to join a special session of the 229th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) this January, chaired by James...