Scientists Gather to Plan Flight of Balloon-borne Telescope
Beginning June 10, scientists from five institutions gathered at Northwestern for a week-long pre-flight planning meeting of BLAST-TNG. BLAST is a 5,000 pound balloon-borne...
Beginning June 10, scientists from five institutions gathered at Northwestern for a week-long pre-flight planning meeting of BLAST-TNG. BLAST is a 5,000 pound balloon-borne...
“An international team has constructed the most detailed, highest resolution simulation of a black hole to date. The simulation proves theoretical predictions about the...
Researchers are using gravitational waves to better understand black holes. LIGO’s detectors are sensitive to stellar mass black holes up to 100 times the...
Fewer than 100 African American women have received PhDs in physics. African American Women in Physics (AAWIP) lists their names and provides resources for...
The fourth-annual Scialog: Time Domain Astrophysics (TDA) conference was held May 9-12 in Tucson, Ariz., with 47 Scialog Fellows and eight discussion facilitators attending,...
By: Lydia Rivers (@lydiuhrivers) CIERA graduate student Lindsey Byrne received a prestigious Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF). She will be...
For the summer of 2019, 37 summer students will work closely with researchers at CIERA. 23 of these students received funding through CIERA’s Research...
On May 29, Dennis Schatz presented, “Making Science Learning Lifelong, Lifewide and Lifedeep: What We Know About the Importance of Out-of-School (Informal) STEM...
Emboldened by the success and informed by the challenges of the September STEM weekend for seven Bad River Ojibwe girls hosted by Physics &...
Radio pulsars are nature’s near-perfect celestial clocks, and have repeatedly proven themselves to be extraordinary tool for astrophysicists. They have probed the most...
Black holes have become a central object for study in numerous fields of physics far beyond the field of classical general relativity. However, even...
“Seekers of gravitational waves are on a cosmic scavenger hunt. Since the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory turned on in 2015, physicists have caught...