Calcium-rich supernova examined with X-rays for first time
Unprecedented observations shine light on a compact star’s final moments Artist’s interpretation of the calcium-rich supernova 2019ehk. Shown in orange is the calcium-rich material...
Unprecedented observations shine light on a compact star’s final moments Artist’s interpretation of the calcium-rich supernova 2019ehk. Shown in orange is the calcium-rich material...
Event also could give insight into dark energy and the creation of iron Composite image of SN2019yvq (blue dot) in the host galaxy NGC...
Image Credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/K. Paterson & W. Fong (Northwestern University) The farther away an object lies in the universe, the fainter it appears...
Image Credit: LIGO/Caltech/MIT/R. Hurt (IPAC) In August of 2019, the LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave network witnessed the merger of a black hole with 23 times the...
Kristopher Mortensen, a 2020 graduate from Weinberg in Physics & Astronomy, was recognized with an Outstanding Thesis Research Undergraduate Award from the Undergraduate Curriculum...
Postdoctoral Fellow Nancy Aggarwal has won the 2019 GWIC-Braccini Thesis Prize for her thesis “A room temperature optomechanical squeezer.” Nancy received her Ph.D. from Massachusetts...
Free and open to any graduate student, SCOPE is an NSF-funded online science communication program designed for graduate students without access to in person...
Community and Belonging at Northwestern
Vicky Kalogera is one of six women leaders from Northwestern University in the field of science, technology, engineering and math to be included in...
Three CIERA Postdocs Win NSF Fellowships for Scientific & Educational Programs CIERA postdoctoral researchers Kyle Kremer, Patrick Sheehan, and Sarah Wellons have each won...
Over the course of last summer, the Reach for the Stars program teamed up with educators across the country to revise hundreds of lesson...
The National Science Foundation has awarded a new 3-year grant to Research Assistant Professor Aaron Geller, who has directed CIERA’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)...