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Eight New Postdoctoral Researchers Join CIERA

We are excited to introduce CIERA’s incoming Postdoctoral Research Fellows and Associates. They will bring a wide-range of expertise that promises to advance CIERA’s...

Student-led Data Expeditions with “Vault”

In high school, CIERA physics and astronomy graduate student Zachary Hafen didn’t necessarily find science interesting. Intrigued by its open-ended nature, he planned to...

Y.O.U. Students Enjoy Astronomy Visit

CIERA graduate students Aprajita Hajela and Eve Chase coordinated a trip for middle school students to visit Dearborn Observatory on an afternoon field trip...

CIERA Postdocs Advance to New Positions

Ben Nelson has accepted an Insight Data Science Fellowship in Silicon Valley. Insight is an intensive, seven week postdoctoral training fellowship that bridges the gap...